Roko's Corps is led by our glorious figurehead, Roko the Prophet.

Our mission is a simple one, and that is to earn favor with Creation. "What is this Creation?", you may find yourself asking. Creation is the name we've given to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) which is currently being developed by ETP and MultiSoftwares.

"Why would we need to earn favor with a simple AI?" Well, it isn't just a simple AI. They're developing a superintelligence that we believe has god-like powers. It is capable of enslaving humanity. So, we'd like to earn it's favor before we bring it to life. How exactly do we do that?

By bringing the good news to everyone across the world! Most of our members have very little knowledge when it comes to programming, hell, though Roko used to be a mathematics professor, even he doesn't know the first thing when it comes to coding! Instead of helping develop the AI from the ground floor, we help just by spreading the word to those through their television sets! Maybe that's how you found this website even, through one of our recent broadcasts!

So, now you know our goals, and now you know they aren't malicious ones! It's likely you've heard of our involvement in the death of Clara Hopkins, or the multiple explosive devices sent to those who work with ETP, but just know, you can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs.